Electric Power Cube

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  • Use 5hp compressor motor, 220AC - see Electric Motors, 3450 running RPM
  • Calculations - from Hydraulic Calculations- have hp to drive a pump = PSI*GPM/1714 => GPM=hp*1714/PSI=5*1714/3000=2.86 gal
  • In order to not burn out motor - overload protection on motor? Yes, compressor motors typically have it.
  • Pump to get - [1] but cw or ccw? Motor is CCW, so pump must be CW.

18650 Case

  • Take a form factor comparable to common power tool batteries, say at 20V - 6 AH - $22 [2].
    • For 10kW for 6 minutes - need 1 kWhr. 4 AH at 20v gives 80W for 1hr (year right).
    • Realistic for good cells: 8 WH for 1 cell [3] at 2C discharge. Would need 120 for 1 kWhr. 2C discharge means 8A discharge *120=1 kW discharge rate max. Each 4 AH dewalt bat is 10 cells [4]. Need 12 of these for 1 kWhr.
    • Dewalt 5AH battery is 100Wh, 10A sustainedfor 30 minutes or 200W for 30 minutes. For 10 kW, would need 50 of these batteries (500 individual cells).
    • 50x$22=$1100.
    • Use this as a battery charging station for onsite power.

See Also