Elements of an Enterprise

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  • 5 parts of every business - [1]
  • Business development - refers more to the development of opportunities for an existing business [2]. OSE talks more about business creation via Distributive Enterprise
  • An enterprise is an entity that takes on risk via inventiveness. A business is not as ambitious - it is established. [3]
  • Enterprise is organized for meeting a need, business is organized to make profit. Also, enterprise is a broad term for 'undertaking' - whereas a business is a specific undertaking for making money. [4]


  • From the OSE perspective, business is not a desirable word if the connotation is that of an entity making money. That loses the point that enterprise is about meeting needs, not making money. To communicate effectively, business in the sense of making money should be avoided. That is not to say that a desirable regenerative enterprise ecosystem should not be making millions, billions, or trillions
  • OSE talks about generating distributed enterprise ecosystems, not being a gigantic, centralized operation. Likely, this may mean an entity with thousands of the unjobbed, operating by voluntary contract and unpaid in the role of OSE core. Revenue instead comes from operations that any member of the Core Team can take on - based on open source product and enterprise assets that are developed collaboratively for everybody's interest.