Emmanuel Odunlade

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Time Log

Tue Oct 29, 2019

Uno3d.jpg. Source - [1]

Arduino Uno involves circuit etching and populating an Arduino Uno board. We start from an Atmel 328 chip with DIP 28 form facor, and build a board around it: a USB port for communication and power. We connect the board to the Universal Controller LCD screen to show the magic of making our own controller.


Sep 25, 2019

  • More about Emmanuel - https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmanuel-odunlade/
  • https://circuitdigest.com/users/odunlade-emmanuel
  • Found this through GOSH post
  • I've been on the forefront of promoting the STEAM especially in Africa either through the Codehope foundation( thecodehope.org ) which I founded in 2017 to train kids in rural communities/villages in Africa to code or through several other community endeavors. All of these efforts have been towards ensuring people channel their energy into creative tasks while also acquiring critical skills that will be important as work/jobs as we know it, continues to change. Being a Maker at heart, I believe making is a critical skill and opportunities like the Microfactory STEAM Camp will help present whatever age group with the skills to unleash their imagination while also develop the confidence and skills required to build whatever Ideas they have.
  • I believe open source provides a path to accelerated knowledge growth. It creates a platform for more people to work on a problem at the same time and also facilitate the development of a knowledge driven economy as people can quickly skill-up learning from the already work done by others.
  • Asides training Kids, Women and Youths through the Codehope Programs, I have been involved in several training programs. I Chair the Hardware Nigeria Community and have been involved in the delivery of several training programs, bootcamps, etc., to the community. I was the Organizer and one of the facilitators of IoT Day Nigeria 2019 which featured talks and hands-on sessions(one of which was delivered by me) around using open source tools/boards to develop IoT Solution. I have also been a part of the biggest hardware hackathon in Nigeria (HackforGood) and for the past 2 years and I've had the opportunity to teach participants topics ranging from Human Centered Design, 3D printing and embedded systems developments using open source boards like the Arduino. Lastly, I am a serial blogger, and I have written over 300(combined) DIY blogposts and articles for different websites like Circuitdigest.com, Electronics-Lab.com, CNX-software.com, Randomnerdtutorials.com among others.
  • Yes. Asides Codehope which is geared towards Charity, I am the Cofounder/CEO and Engineering Lead at http://devsdistrictnigeria.com/ which focusses on
  • $800-1000 may work in Lagos for a STEAM Camp
  • Design consultancy - electronics design, IoT - full time.
  • https://www.jumia.com.ng/
  • konga
  • Hardware Nigeria - Emmanuel runs it
  • STEM inititative - teaching In