Energy Production

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If each person had a 12kW PV system, we displace all energy use including transport and industry.

  • This easily fits on existing rooftops pending 6x efficiency, easily obtained by lifetime, modular design. And solar drones for transportation.
  • Note this is for total energy, not just home energy.

Global Energy Production

  • 170M GWhr = 21MWhr/person. This is the same as produced by a 12kW solar system! (26MWhr)
    • 22k TWhr in electricity production
  • Let's take the total, and put it on solar roofs.
  • Our house has 12kW each. That is 26MWhr per year, or 0.03 GWhr annual
  • This is 5.6B homes needed for 170M GWhr. That is more homes than exists today. There is 1/5 the homes than the number people. Thus, we need 6x the homes to provide all energy. This is consistent with a home powering itself, and total energy use being several factors higher due to other human activity.
  • If we take just the electric production, then we have 700M rooftops.
  • Each Campus produces 500 homes per year. 1M homes means we would have 2000 Campuses in the USA. Market sise large for the USA alone. And a global market about 4x this [1]. Thus, 8000 Campuses worldwide. But. That is still only 4M rooftops, 200x less than what is needed for the electric portion only. But note that this is just a gap of replacing housing stock - only a percent or so is replaced annually.
  • Installed powerplants are 60k of them and 6TW total installed [2]. Typical area is 1 sq mile, so we have 60000 sq miles of power plants .
  • Each sq mi makes 700M kWhr, or 700 GWhr or 0.7 TWhr. 60,000 of these make 42,000TWhr
    • Check.pngAll power plants converted to solar produce 2x the required global electricity, without addressing 'storage'.
    • And this is 1/4 of total energy use by humans
  • Note that there is a 6x gap in require rooftops area, counting only 1000 sf per house.
    • 10x it from lifetime design
    • 10x from modular design and solar drones for transportation
    • 2x from more solar, 2000 sf total (practical)
    • Left with 30x excess. But, note that the home-only perspective, 12kW system is sufficient for all needs. The 30x gap displaces industry.
    • Check.png - implication: 30x the population, eco-industry in communities, and we are thriving with no visible degradation while regenerating people and planet.