Engineers for a Sustainable World Partnership
15 Oct 13 Meeting Notes
Telecon with Audrey/TCM and Alex Dale, President of Engineers for a Sustainable World
- ID 2-3 chapters that would like to take on a project from the GVCS (possible chapter Stephens Institute of Technology
- OSE needs to establish development process protocols and development boards; meet with chapters regularly
- OSE will then fabricate the designs at FeF. Steps: Set up a video conference with interested parties, NOTE: OSE needs to streamline and implement the Product Development Process, once chapters are partnered with projects we will send a press release/blog/etc.
Next Steps:
- Meet to discuss project(s) with interested chapters
- Outline responsibilities to better define the relationship: 1) ID initial steps (collaborate on projects, expand into networks), 2) Regular partnership may then extend to cross-branded chapters
- Produce a webinair that focuses on sustainability initiatives, open source, rapid prototyping, etc
- Discuss possible OSE attendance/presentation(s) at regional/national conferences
- OSE needs to fully implement PDP and PDBs
- OSE needs to determine how to integrate these projects, communication protocols, etc into daily operations
- OSE needs to develop a brief training/instructional/video on how to take on a new project in our organization
- OSE needs to make available projects that are ready to be "picked up" -- i.e. have product concepts and requirements defined to facilitate collaboration and expectations
25 Oct 13 Meeting Notes
- Videocon attendees: Alex Dale, Rob, Audrey, Marcin, & Katie
- Agenda: 1) Discuss chapters interested in collaborating with OSE on designing a product for the GVCS, 2) Discuss communication protocols to develop a project plan and provide guidance as necessary / understand how ESW establishes project teams/guides projects, 3) Discuss Marcin's Webinar for ESW - time/date/duration/mode/topics
- Chapters interested: High interest: Stephens College in Hoboken NJ & Ohio State; some interest: Cal Tech & Pittsbugh State; Stephens is interested in the Universal Rotor; Ohio State is interested in the Strawboard; Cal Tech may be interested in the Laser Cutter
- It will take 1-2 weeks for these organizations to develop project teams; thereafter we will meet with them via videocon 1-2 times per week until the project requirements are developed and then meet them 1-2 times per month or as required during the Design phase
- Scheduling webinar for 20 Nov @ 6pm CST; 1-hour total: 40 min presentation, 20 min Q&A via Go-to Meeting Webinar; ESW will provide a webinar moderator who will monitor and facilitate Q&A; scheduled a practice session for 30 Oct @6pm CST for Marcin to become familiar with the technology and test the prezi presentation; webinar will be posted on youtube -- we asked that it be made available to the public (we can link this to our blog/newsletter, etc)
- Other: 1) Discussed whether participants would be available to participate in fabrication -- there may be some opportunties for local fabrication, there also may be some interest to come to FeF for fabrication; case-by-case basis; 2) Additional funding available for students to travel for fabrication? Most likely each chapter has very limited funds, but there may be opportunities to take advantage of university alternative spring break or summer programs to help fund travel/internships/etc. However, this will be advertised to the ESW community as a remote design opportunity.
- Next steps: 1) ESW will put together project teams and contact us when those teams are ready to collaborate -- 1-2 weeks; 2) Practice the webinar, be ready to present, 3) ESW is sending out a formal announcement and we may have more interest from other chapters, 4) Once project teams are established, let's blog about relationship -- perhaps highlight in newsletter