Entrance Interview
From Open Source Ecology
- What is your current cost of living?
- Are you paying off loans or other debt?
- What would you do. thanks for you don't pass the immersin evaluation?
- Can you take on recovery plans, such as: (1) shifting to marketing: (2) joining Toastmasters, (3) taking on additional training in Design Jam theory?
- What would you do if revenue quotas are not materializing? Describe in as many details to play this out and be prepared in case it happens.
- How would you amend the exit strategy in any way?
- How.do you the no we can communicate the message or strategically deploy public product development so we get mass adoption/participation?
- What are the strong and weak points of the OSE vision?
- What are the strong and weak points of OSE execution?
- What should OSE be doing that it is not doing right now?
- What should OSE not be doing that it is doing right now?