Extreme Build Construction Agreement
This is an agreement between OSE and a Extreme Build client.
- The agreement is for a 1525 sf home, 1.5 story, as pictured in Seed_Eco-Home.
- This agreement is for a house build only, not the Aquaponic Greenhouse, which is recommended as a future workshop.
- The entire build occurs during a 7 day period. Scope of build is:
- Structure with CEB walls on the first floor, with framed window and door modules, with framed construction for the top half-story. See CEB Hybrid Construction.
- Rooftop 3kW PV system with 120 AH of batteries at 25% depth of discharge
- Rooftop water catchment system, 550 gallons
- experimental biodigester for producing cooking gas and effluent handling
- off-the-shelf space heating pellet stove
- on-demand hot-water fueled by propane
- separating toilet, with urine and greywater going to a planted soak pit
- Blackwater from kitchen sink and toilet goes to the biodigester.
OSE organizes the build event, and the Client pays for materials and OSE fee. Client is welcome to invite friends to the event for free. OSE otherwise charges an admission fee ($125 per day) for the workshop. The client ends up with a finished house. Interior trim and cabinets are not included. Materials are specified for the build. OSE must approve any material substitutions by Client.
- Provides design, engineering calculations
- Provides stamped engineering drawings if needed
- Provide workshop leader and co-leader (currently Marcin + co-leader)
- Provides a Workshop Manual instructioanals documentation booklet for all participants
- Posts event announcement and sign-up for participants
- Secures food catering/preparation
- Orders all building materials for delivery at building site from standard sources
- Secures all necessary small tools for the build - hammers, hard hats, drills, saws, and others
- Visits site to inspect foundation and building materials, including pallets of bricks
- Trains the CEB press operator for brick pressing prior to the workshop
- Stay on site for 1 full day of prep work the day before the event, and during the 7 day event.
- Divides participants into work teams and guides the entire event to completion
- Performs quality control throughout the workshop
- Teaches participants classroom and hands-on building/design techniques throughout the event. (1 hour presentation session before both the morning and afternoon build sessions)
- Provides timelapse documentation throughout the build
- Provides any requirements for OSE documentation (what documents are needed for approvals, permits)
- Provides lot description, picture
- Takes OSE design and documentation and secures a building permit
- Receives and inventories shipments of all materials and tools per checklist
- Presses 7200 bricks, 4x6x12 inch. The current CEB presses 6 block per minute, or 360 per hour. 20 hours of pressing are required (3 days). Stores bricks on 36-48 pallets, depending on carrying capacity of tractor.
- Submits 3 sample bricks to an independent testing lab for compressive strength
- Tests lime plaster mix and slurry mix
- Stores all materials and protects them from rain until the build date. Stores CEBS under roof or cover.
- Grades site, and builds rubble trench foundation. Makes plumbing/wiring allowances in foundation
- Transports all brick pallets to building site to a carefully laid out location to streamline the build of walls (bricks as close to future walls as possible as here - [1]
- Provides covered workshop space of 1000 square foot minimum, with electricity for power tools, for construction of building modules during the workshop.
- Provides air compressor for nail guns, and electricity or a generator for power at the building site.
- Makes camping and bathroom facilities available to participants.
- Makes an presentation area with overhead projector/screen available for presentations
- Client covers the cost of all materials including bricks ($30k) including installation of foundation. (detailed spreadsheet)
- Client privides on-site housing for workshop leaders during the workshop, camping space/bathrooms for participants, and kitchen space for food preparation
- Client covers OSE $16k service fee
- OSE covers all design and engineering costs
- OSE covers travel to the site (2 visits) and 2nd instructor (spreadsheet)
- OSE covers tools, organizes food catering/preparation (detailed spreadsheet)
- OSE covers event posting fees, publicity
- OSE receives tuition from participants
- Nov 16-22, 2018 - Build
- Nov 15 - staging of materials
- Nov 14 by end of day - Arrival of OSE team
- Nov 1, 2018 - bricks, slurry mixing stations are staged at build site. Materials are staged in the covered workshop space.
- Oct 15, 2018 - 3rd party testing of 3 sample bricks is performed
- Oct 1, 2018 - 7200 bricks are pressed.
- Aug 1, 2018 - Foundation is completed, Marcin arrives for foundation assessment, and trains brick press operator
- Jul 1, 2018 - Permits are secured, and suitable soil is shipped to the building site (58 cubic yards)
- June 1, 2018 - compressive testing done at OSE and data provided.
- May 1, 2018 - CEB soil sample (50 lb, enough for 3 bricks) shipped for testing to OSE. Jar test performed in Utah with prospective soil. Video sample shown.
- March 15 - agreement signed, event posting (8 months lead time)
Risk Assessment
- If bricks are not pressed, the structure will be built with standard framed carpentry
- If less than 18 people register for the workshop, additional workers will be hired at $12/hour
Client Qeustionnaire
- What is the building address location