Extreme Enterprise Cost Structure
Any Extreme Enterprise project requires significant investment in the background work to get a significant project to completion.
- Product Lead - overarching leadership. May have several product managers.
- Product managers - to steward the development and release of the product. Product is expected to evolve, so no 'decline' is foreseen - perhaps transition or evolution to something else even bigger.
- Prototypes - ample prototyping for proof of concept and data collection
- Marketing - compelling video production, copy, brochures. Time lapses, animations, post-production. Using a 100% open source tool chain.
- Recruiting - getting 2000 or a large number of people to show up
- Training Events - materials for prototyping, and food budgets for participants, and customer service. Training involves onboarding, build training, enterprise training.
- Facility - training facility infrastructure, since we typically build that along with the product development process.
- Extreme Enterprise Hackathon - recruiting and onboarding people for a large, collaborative event
- Machines Development - building supporting machines that enable a more robust revenue model. For example, high torque, Bobcat auger for pile foundations, or hot dip galvanizing kettle.
- Materials Development - supporting feedstock optimization. For example, we can develop in-house/outsourced pile manufacturing to save on the helical piles.
- Subject Matter Experts - to fill missing content.
- Crowd Development - crowdsourced support campaign via presales, crowd development - Crowd Supply, HeroX, and Kickstarter
- Publishing - hire a book publisher to deliver a manual. One is the excessive 2000-4000 pages of refined documentation, and that is turned into a coffee-table book or a Build Manual that references the wiki, using locked pages.
- Website - good website and forum for the product.
- Software Support - automated BOM generator for different models in FreeCAD, and methodology for doing the same using normal spreadsheets. Builds on FreeCAD workbench generator.