Extruder Analysis of Industry Standards
Extruder Reviews
- Bondtech - https://www.matterhackers.com/store/c/bondtech?rcode=PPCADS&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjaiS9eGV6QIVT18NCh389w-qEAAYASAAEgIzZfD_BwE
- Bondtech appears to be a fundamentally flawed designed from an industrial performance perspective. It can't do rubber. It adds more drive, only to extend the path-to-hotend length via an E3D V6 style heat sink. That is just Rube Goldberg: lengthen the filament path, so you need stronger filament drive. Don't let me get started. It is amazing how expensive, bad design seems to make it far. But I think that will change with the adoption of the Universal Gearless.