Fablet Part Library
Tablet Final Assembly - FreeCAD -File:Raspiassy.fcstd
Raspberry Pi in case. - FreeCAD -File:Piincase.fcstd
TouchScreenPrimitive - size:nullkb - FreeCAD -File:TouchScreenPrimitive.fcstd
Raspberry Pi 4 Board - FreeCAD -File:Raspi.fcstd
1 Battery Power Pack - FreeCAD -File:1batpack.fcstd
5 Battery Power Pack - FreeCAD -File:5batpack.fcstd. FreeCAD -File:5batpack.stl
PiTabletConcept - FreeCAD -File:PiTabPrimitive.fcstd
Pi Base + External Ports WIP - size:nullkb - FreeCAD -File:PiboardandMount.fcstd
Tablet Layout WIP - FreeCAD - File:TableCase.fcstd
FabTab Layout Concept -Idea for keeping available ports accessible at exterior of case - FreeCAD - File:FabTabLayout.fcstd
Tablet Bezel - for testing fit - FreeCAD - File:TabletScreenBezel.fcstd
- Plug1.png
Tablet Rpi plugs test layouts - FreeCAD - File:PiTabPscale.fcstd
- Plug2.png
Tablet Rpi plugs test layouts - FreeCAD - File:PiTabPrimscale2.fcstd
- Plug3.png
Tablet Rpi plugs test layouts - FreeCAD - File:PiTabPrimscale3.fcstd
Tablet Case Merged - MVP Candidate - FreeCAD - File:PiFullCaseMockUp.fcstd
Tablet Case Back Panel - FreeCAD - File:PiCaseBackPanel.fcstd
1st half of board riser, split to fit on D3D - FreeCAD - File:BoardRiser1.fcstd STL File:BoardRiser1.stl
2nd half of board riser - FreeCAD - File:BoardRiser2.fcstd STL File:BoardRiser2.stl
Both risers. - FreeCAD - File:BoardRisers.fcstd STL File:BoardRisers.stl
WIP of outer shell design. Other side was exported without the USB cutaway and mirrored - FreeCAD - File:Outer Shell Left.fcstdFile:Outer Shell Left.stl
WIP Case. Other side is created via Mirror op in Part workbench - FreeCAD - File:Case.fcstdFile:Case.stl
Light Module
BoostConverter - FreeCAD -File:Boostconverter.fcstd
LEDController - FreeCAD -File:Ledcontroller.fcstd
- Ledmodule.png
LEDModule - FreeCAD -File:Ledmodule.fcstd
HeatSink - FreeCAD -File:Heatsink.fcstd
- Ledmodule.png
LEDModule - FreeCAD -File:Ledmodule.fcstd
40x10mm fan File:40x10fan.fcstd
4040 heatsink.File:Heatsink.fcstd
LED Controller.File:Ledcontroller.fcstd