Federated Franchise

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OSE currently proposes a Federated Franchise operation as a means to scaling. This shares core functions, and distributes initiative. Distribution of initiative is achieved by metric-bound initiatives that can be taken on by the individual organizations, with funding available from the center pending alignment. Max win-win is sought - with minimal game-ability. Minimal.gameability is attained in part by open publishing of all franchise design and operations. The latter serves the purpose of Leveling the Playing Field.


  • Federated structure of associations and national wide nonprofits may be obsolete -[1]
  • Franchises can share services + horizontal and vertical integration, vs merger. They require less staff, because core staff functions are shared. [2]

OSE Model

As a guardian of democracy (abundance economics) - collaborators are required to do a suggested 2 day per week productive schedule. Irrespective of rank in the org, from factory floor to c-suite. By applying Extreme Production principles, this in itself is able to guarantee sustainability. However, the more important part is the sequence of understanding how things are built, thus understanding sound design practices - thus understanding sound governance and enterprise. And - thus being able to teach it. This addresses lifelong learning and the 'class struggle' or 'wealth distribution' - an unsolved frontier of human economic systems.