We will be required to provide in-house financing for Seed Eco-Homes probably sooner than later. This means we gain more experience so we can get punched in the face sooner, and transform the finance capital industry to increased integrity.
So the core question is how do we secure the owner financing for OSE. It seems that a valid route would be to require anyone in default to simply provide sweat equity. This would be impossible - but if we develop the Rapid Learning Facility (RLF)to the point of it's stated goals, then anyone can engage in productive work rapidly. Even those who cannot afford a home can do sweat equity only. For example, one day a week on a Saturday. That makes for 400 hours per year, which means that in 8 years, in the worst case scenario of 3000 hours per house, people have paid off just by sweat equity. This can be scalable given robust RLF capacity, which would use infrastructure that already exists from the apprenticeship program - and would thus be synergistic. Our 'finance majors' would run the sweat equity program on weekends.
What do you think? We can even try it on the 3rd or 4th house possibly if our progress is good, meaning starting to implement a prototype the first year.
I think the financing thing is something we have to crack early on. It addresses a major pain point, and with land-based resources including materials production - could be a great way to leverage fundamental capital production from raw resources (based on near free electricity). Thus cracking through the financing industry via direct access to abundant resources.
- Any labor law issues regarding this?
- What role can micro-lending take?