First GVCS Prototype 3D Print

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Husam TAZ Testing

  • SketchUp file for the 1/2"x4"x4" tubing 4"inch long File:Tube 4" long .skp (NOTE: tubing is sitting on x and y axes (green and red) - so the orientation is correct)

Tube skp.jpg

Tube stl .jpg

Tube pronter face.jpg


  • Image of what the stl file look like in smash lab Stl smashlab image.jpg
  • Image of what the stl file look like in Auto desk inventor Stl autodesk image.jpg
  • image of what the stl file look like in FreeCad Stl FreeCad imag.jpg


What is wrong?

  • image of what the stl file look like in slic3r Slic3r .jpg
  • Marcin's result for above STL: Tubesample.png