Frank Heckman
- Studied with Chicksentmihalyi on flow, hi
- Coached master coach of olymppic team - in Athen's - Designed the Hero's Journey
- Power is the team
- John D. Liu from China reforestation is playing music in Frank's garden right now
- Knows the castle owner at, where POC21 happened
- Global Trading Center - in Holland - it's about building the new economy. Henrig Menting
- Frank Heckman is a social Architect
- In Holland it's about energy transition
- Masai people contacted Frank through Facebook Messenger - Masai woman wanted to be a diplomat.
- Masai ecologist for restoring landscapes - has people restore landscapes. Vin
- Greening Africa - program in Tanzania.
- Frank identifies landscapes
- Global Landscape Forum - seat in Bonn - it's a landscape development, hydrogeology. Since Paris, it's how you restore on a large scale
- Ecological Restoration Camp at Open Source Ecology
- Desertification in the USA
- John Liu joins the call - Build restoration infrastructure - for productivity - when we finally do the real analysis of the economy -
- Infrastructure development for camping - 50 people in camps - in a single camp - for restoration culture
- Ecosystem Restoration Camps dot org - thousand of them - in many locations. Takes people out of consumption society. Conversation in these camps is different.
- 4 types of people - constructors - flat packs it. Say you add this to refugee camps in Africa.
- Most permaculture talks of production - but John talks about restoration on the grand scale
- Functionality is the source - productivity is a derivative.
- The more functional, the more productive
- Geodesic dome with video recording system.
- Every weekend it's a festival