Fundraising Strategy Log
New update:
- Core Team bios in the works. Elifarley completed, Julia to write for Marcin and herself. Waiting on Angel, Isaiah, and Luis. Adrian?
- Draw up a list of our existing supporters.
- Finish the Donor Relations package- including COre Team Bios, list of ten tools up for development, pitch, trifold
- Source free office equipment- FarmLink, George Gleason, Adrian Hong. Adrian contacted and re-directed us to use wiki for sourcing.
Found a color printer/copier, and small office supplies (pens, paperclips, files, etc) from friendly outreach. Have it here at my home for use when ready. Will still need to buy ink cartridged and paper. FarmLink donated two desktops, monitors, and other random office equipment. Angel Rodriguez has it in storage until ready to use. Julia donated all basic paper, files, pens, etc needed to get started.
- Identify and contract Accountant
- Solidify money handling within organization
- Continue the development of 501c3 for OSE with Adrian Hong
- Set up a Grant Writing Team- search existing database for sources
- Wish List button on front page of wiki- completed and on main page
- Monday, Aprill 11 meeting with Judith Katz (professional fundraising consultant) and Julia- Resource Development Director (RDD), regarding civiCRM database customization for nonprofit resource development.
Met with Judith. She gave me the rundown on catagorization of donor information, how to maneuver on a CRM, and the relevent querries ( for example,how often and when donations have been made by individuals) that should be made on a regular basis. Once the civi is in place I am able to help with the organization of the information on it so as to use it to it's greatest potential. Judith indicated that the civi that she is developing for one of her projects is proving to be difficult to get up and running using Joomla. However, she feels that Joomla has more capability for the average user than Drupal. The civi should have these catagories initially (they can be finessed as the project grows): Contacts- all the folks ever contacted; Prospects and Friends- all the people who have ever donated anything eve; Events- all events relating to GVCS(for example; Maker Faire, press, etc); Transactions- all $ crossing hands, including expenditures relating to resource developmen; Campaigns- fundraising drives; Reports- this one is the key- all querries are run through this catagory. It can assess who donated during certain time periods to who has fallen off regular donations;Search (a standard with CRM's; Admin- anything that is found to be relevent in relationship to admin. All of these catagories are seeded by the user and should be carefully managed. Judith expressed that this is the single most powerful tool she uses in fundraising. I will be happy to help seed the civi once it is up and running. Judith also offered, that once it is up, she would be happy to help fine tune as needed.
- Grant Budgeting workshop- Julia, Monday Aprill 11th meeting resceduled for Friday April 15h.
- Kendra Shanley to help identify grant and award possibilities