GVCS Dvelopment Strategy
Last updated Feb 11, 2012
As of 2012, core GVCS developmnt strategy has shifted to greater involvement of seasoned or retired professionals, practitioners, and engineers as the backbone of GVCS technical development. The reason for this goes back to our core mission:
- Taking industry standards and converting them to open source, low-cost, high-performance counterparts.
Several qualities are found in the retired professional demographic:
- Retired professionals have decades of experience in a particular subject matter area of expertise
- Older people understand that technology used to be simple and it was built to last - as opposed to being value-engineered - the industry standard euphemism for planned obsolescence. As such, they are ethically motivated to help in GVCS development - as the GVCS highlights lifetime design and simplicity.
- They typically have the humility gained by lifetime of experience, so they do not try to sway the project towards their personal interests
Moreover, we seek out the oldered demographic because:
- We are collecting best practice across all disciplines, and we are looking for the world's leading experts on each topic.
See list of Subject Matter Experts, and if you know anyone who is one of the world's leading experts in any of these areas, please contact opensourceecology at gmail dot com.