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Via Leopold Zyka:

  • A CrowdSAFE based on Y Combinator SAFE

  • Network-state related. Right on.

Study their marketing and product.

Discussion by MJ

Have not heard as of 2/23. Looks interesting. Doubt it will be open source, there are few open source projects out there and I know of none that are taking on investment like this one. "Might be" means, more specifically, 'will not be' in general. Would love to be proven wrong.

Great direction. Part of the Network State movement, and this can succeed if executed properly. Their investment model is definitely worth studying, and this pitch provides a good comparison of best efforts on their site. Personally, I don't see domes gaining much traction (in the near term of 10-20 years) because they are too difficult to build even if you industrialize the process  - but they can be a good niche product.