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  • GIMP is an abbreviation for GNU Image Manipulation Program
  • It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring
  • It works on many operating systems, in many languages.
  • GIMP is near the same capability as Adobe Photoshop as of GIMP 2.1, but is lacking some of the automation and group workflow optimizations of photoshop. It also is less aesthetically appealing (although this is a LOW priority, but effects first impressions and thus impacts "pulling people in"
  • It IS expected to be much closer ifd not the same capability in the upcoming GIMP 3.0

GIMP Lessons

Lesson 1: Batch Re-sizing Images

Note: For this method to work on any Linux distribution, you must install the 'gimp-plugin-registry' package and restart GIMP.

You may often find the need to resize several images at once in order to work with them on a computer without dedicated graphics, or to upload them at a reasonable speed. To resize many images quickly, open GIMP (no file necessary) and on the Menu Bar select Filters -> Batch -> David's Batch Processor.

Now add the desired files and select the 're-size' tab. Check the 'enable' box and select the desired relative size reduction, making sure to keep the same ratio.

You can use the dropdown menu in the 'output' tab to convert to whichever image formats you'd like.

Near the bottom of this window, press the 'start' button.

Lesson 2: Cropping Images

Lesson 3: Making Background Transparent

Lesson 4: Making Circular Images (such as for profile pictures)

  1. Open a bitmap file from which you want to extract from (PNG, jpg)
  2. Go to select - Tools - Selection tools - ellipse select
  3. Fix aspect ratio
  4. Select circle to cut out
  5. Copy
  6. File -> Ctrl-N. Select Advanced -> Fill With Transparency
  7. Paste to new document
  8. Image-> Autocrop Image
  9. Export as PNG

Lesson 5: Blending Images in Gimp


  • Select a fixed aspect ratio - [1]

See Also

  • Inkscape An open source program that can make 2D Designs and Simple Art although Krita is better for art production (Yet inkscape is simpler, and easier to learn)
  • Krita An open source program for making 2D Art
  • Blender An open source program that can be used as a video editor, similar to Adobe Primere

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