From Open Source Ecology
Voids and Density
- Cleaned rock should in principle be lighter than unwashed, as there are clean gaps in clean rock. These gaps can clearly be filled, say 60%, by smaller particles. Thus uncleaned gravel should weigh 60% of 40% more, or 25% more. Clean rock thus should be 25% more valueable for the weight - it will take more volume.
- 40% voids typi
- ASTM 57 is 2400 lb/yard
- 2" minus is 3200 lb/cu meter [1]
- 100 pcf for 3" and 125 pcf for 3" minus [2]
- 3/4" unwashed is 1.3 tons per yard [3]
2021 Prices
- For roads - Les Meek - 816.724.0489
- Road Base - $14.50
- New workshop - 1-1/4" road base - 71 tons [4] - $1375. That makes for $19.65/ton delivered. Base price of rock is $14.50
- For 17 tons, Larry McFee was $303 ($17.82/ton) for SEH 2