Greg Landua at Ecovillage Training Center
Hello Greg,
We are planning The First World Conference on Open Source Ecology in Aug-Sep, 2009. It is a working conference in which people submit proposals, we work on funding, and we then implement the technology in this "crash deployment program for the Global Village Construction Set." The location is Factor e Farm, Kansas City area. We will be focused on this until that time, so we are interested only in development workshops that lead us to breakthrough products.
We have 4 projects: Solar Turbine, OS Flexible Fab Lab, Open Source Agroecology, and LifeTrac infrastructure. Together, these constitute a robust basis for an 'infrastructure in a box,' and cover about 95% of the entire industrial system.
Proposal forthcoming in the next 2 weeks, as we kick off our funding campaign, 1000 True Fans - 1000 Global Villages, for the above.
We are very interested in collaborating on developing any of the technologies involved in the above package. In particular, we have made good progress on the Solar Turbine, where we have an explicit program towards a 3kW system that costs $3k.
Sincerely, Marcin
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 1:24 AM, Gregory Landua <> wrote:
Hi, A quick note from the Ecovillage Training Center down in Summertown TN on The Farm.
We are super excited about OSE's work and interested in collaboration and perhaps a shared workshop of some sort next summer.
I am also talking with Jim @ All power labs out in Cali about the potential of some sort of open source, p2p AT workshop... I would love to hear thoughts and start a conversation as to what this could develop into to be of maximum mutual benefit.
Greg Landua Director Ecovillage Training Center