Guidelines for Working Openly

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  • We all curate a growing public wiki. Don't email with new interesting content. Publish on the Wiki, then email the link to that content so we can collaborate on that topic in public.
  • Publish all source CAD on an ongoing basis and upload any time you make a change - so that the whole world can be updated on your progress.
  • Do not allow new collaborators to use proprietary formats, as that limits collaboration and time is better spent transitioning to open formats for long term benefit.
  • Understand the desire stinction between public venues and private venues on the internet. For example, an uneditable public document is semi-public, a wiki page is public, a protected wiki page is semi-public, email is a private venues. Work n public venues whenever possible.
  • Publish early and often to close the gap between your learning and it's access to the world.
  • Grow your self-esteem so that you are not afraid to publish openly and be vulnerable to feedback.
  • Working Openly is often "unreasonable", as mainstream ecnomic logic does not accept non-proprietary development as feasible or rational. Expect resistance in unexpected and subtle ways.