Power electronics Hardware-in-Loop simulations.
Letter to World
Dear World,
OSE has been working with Yann Lischetti, founder of the Velocar open source hardware electric microcar (tilting trike). Last year we prototyped its carbon fiber wheels,a nd other components, successfully at Factor e Farm. Yann's current development issue is power electronics, where he is planning on using a Hardware-in-Loop (HIL) testing system for simulating automotive power control. This is a challenge, as proprietary HIL systems cost $20k.
I am contacting you to ask for suggestions or support on: (1), opensourcing an FPGA-based HIL; (2), acquiring a HIL from another source; or (3), gaining access to a HIL for iterative teasting. Acquiring a HIL may involve a donation via our nonprofit 501c3 status, or outright purchase.
The HIL is important to OSE in that it is a generalized platform for all types of power electronics simulations for electric vehicles. It allows simulation of the hardware so that a control system can be tested in simulations without burning out expensive components. This is industry standard in any serious power electronics development effort, and we want to do this type of testing for the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS). HIL testing is relevant to other GVCS components as well: electrical drive, distributed energy systems, induction furnace, welder, plasma cutter, wind turbine, and others. So we will need it when we delve more fully into the Power Electronics aspects of the GVCS - after we master the mechanical machines of the Tractor Construction Set.
Let me know if you have interest in or suggestions on this development happening, and how you would like to see it go forward. Yann has shown deep commitment to open hardware, so I feel confident that he is worth supporting.
Thanks, Marcin