HabLab Operations and Maintenance

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Cleaning, Maintenance, Food

  • Food budget if people cook - $15/day
  • Food budget if catered - $25/day
  • Making beds, cleaning, washing sheets - 16 hours at $25/hr - $400/ session
  • Propane refills - $20/bottle
  • winterizing water
  • Mowing - 2 hours at $50 once every month
  • Electricity - $100/month
  • Internet - $100/month
  • Water - $1/person/day
  • Gas - $20/bottle
  • Pool - 10,000 gallon, $200 per fill.
  • Pool supplies
  • Liner - replaced every 5 years
  • pool pump - 5 cents per hour, $1/day
  • Workshop - $200 to clean - one day at $25/hr
  • Road graveling - $200/year

Total expenses - between $20 and $40 per day

Hiring a Cook

  • A Cook would need $3k per month
  • That is $100 per day on top of shopping costs
  • If Catering is $25 per day and ingredients are $15, equivalent cost occurs for an audience of 10 students for hiring a cook. If catering is $35 per day, then breakeven is 5 students.
  • We could hire a workshop participant to do this at $100/day, or $700 per week. But that detracts from the workshop experience. Possible but suboptimal.
  • Another option is $15/day food cost if students cook themselves with access to barbecue and kitchen.
  • scenario - 5 students at $25/day - 35 days x 25 *5 = $4375. Cook at $3k + 15*5*35=$5625. Add the boot camp, 8 more people x 15 x 7 = $840 = $6465, compared to $5775 for catered total 5 weeks.