Hablab Cleaning Checklist
- Cleanthe kitchen
- Set all the mousetraps. Replace mousetraps every month.
- Clean out fridge - save useful stuff in a basket for giving to the poor
- Cleaning to-do in the kitchen (BY PRIORITY)
- mouse nest in the corner of the bottom cupboard to the left of the sink (I discovered this just yesterday....)
- drawers need disinfecting and cleaning if there is mouse activity
- remove trash and recycling from bins
- counter area under dish drainers needs cleaning cleaned
- toaster oven needs cleaning
- inside cupboards need cleaning as needed
- exterior cupboards and fridge exterior should be wiped down with hot soapy water
Other cleaning to do (BY PRIORITY):
- laundry (in bags), to be washed and stored in first room on right in bags tied shut
- dirty rags in bin under sink need washed
- in bathroom: 2 sinks, 2 showers, 2 toilets need cleaned and disinfected
- throughout HabLab, sweep and mop floor (MINUS kitchen, which was already done)
- vacuum couches, under cushions etc
- spider & cobweb removal!
- pots returned to cabinets outside by water spigot we left to soak...needs cleaned and sanitized
- No food left out that mice can get into
- Floor cleaning
- 3D printed vaccuum cleaner?
Kitchen maintenance needs:
- sink strainer insert broken, need 2 replacements (https://www.amazon.com/SOSUO-Stainless-Steel-Kitchen-Strainer/dp/B01C49F4FK)
- all outlets on left side of kitchen are not functional. Power doesn't work? Right side outlets are OK
- the left-most knob on the stove is crooked such that the burner actually fails to light
Other maintenance needs:
- backdoor currently unable to close due to wire
- front door screens need replaced