Holistic Six Zone Four Season Greenhouse

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Design Rationale

The purpose of this greenhouse design is to create a structure that can be divided into 6 identical areas that are isolated from each other, and will simulate 6 different growth zones. The climate inside will be controlled by a series of cutting-edge and synergistic passive and active climate control features that will allow water to enter the warmest growth zone at approximately 84 degrees fahrenheit and then step down 5 times via a gravity-assisted internal/external tank system that is controlled by arduino thermal sensor technology system to ensure that the water enters the growth zone at the optimal temperature to maximize growth.


Each of the climate control sections will be isolated by a double CEB and strawbale insulation wall. The Strawbale insulation will be removable and cyclable, where the oldest bales will be removable via a roller and pulley assembly, for use in the strawbale culture beds. Additionally, the subfloor will be a sub-floor water climate control system. The CEB walls will also have a progressive albedo screening technology in order to control the amount of latent heat held by these massive thermal mass controls. Additionally, the transparent roof will be equipped with similar albedo control screens. For active climate controls, each growth zone will be equipped with Arduino-controlled evaporative coolers and bio-gas burners, and a centralized wood-burner for the most extreme thermal challenges. additionally, one section of the greenhouse will be dovoted to chia cultivation, as it will be an important feedstock for fish and chicken, and provide them with massive benefits that will also be a benefit to the humans that consume them, as they are a good source of Omega-3's, something that is missing in many feedstocks, and gives people a disporportionate amount of Omega-6's, which have been shown to cause a multitude of health problems.




Design Documentation

External links

Next iteration features