Hospitality Leader
Job description - [1]
House Manager + Kitchen Manager
- Cooking? Purchasing, menu
- Head cook - dinners for 80-100 people
- Could cook himself - one assistant would be helpful and interesting
- Logistics to deliver
- Purchasing?
- Driving people to airport?
- Conflict resolution?
- Ran house bonding meetings.
- Warning Contract - will implement that. If misbehave - turn dialogue into a document. Dialogue is started - work with them to help them see a different point of view. They sign it. Let's check in about the contract. Worked well.
- Questions: What experience do you have?
- What recipes can you cook.
- Costco would be the food of choice.
- Example: Heavy drug use - members who had personal troubles and made people uncomfortable. Were kicked out. They tried to come back to the house.
- Will sign a basic social contract.
- Craft social behavior document as a group.
- Community Circle - once per week or every 2 weeks.
- $7.50/day - coop was 5.50 per person per day. Should not be a problem.
- Exit document. More also a manual.
Offer Letter
See [2].