Hot Water Heated Clothes Dryer
- A Clothes Dryer that uses a Liquid-Air Heat Exchanger as the hot air source, rather than a gas fired, or electric heating element
- Allows for the house's Hot Water / Heat Transfer Fluid to heat the air saving electricity use, and allowing for a mixed source of heat (Solar Thermal Water Heater + Thermoelectric Stove + Electric Heat Pump + Electric Heating Element -> Heat Transfer Fluid)
Internal Links
External Links
- An Article by "New Atlas" Titled "Miele to release solar-heated clothes dryer"
- [PTM_ARP The "PT 8407 HW" (Seems to be industrial oriented, not in-home?) ]
- A Video on the Product (Lots of advertisement "fluff" but some more info)
- Was done in partnership with Solvis (a company making the exact "central heat transfer fluid tank system" thing !)
- [PTM_ARP The "PT 8407 HW" (Seems to be industrial oriented, not in-home?) ]