How Many Meters of FDM Printer Filament Per 1kg Spool
- This page is a quick reference for how many meters of Filament is on each spool for a FDM Printer
- Also looks into difference per materials, and 1.75mm vs 3.0mm FDM 3D Printer Filament
- Not to be confused with Wire Spools / Flux Core Wire Spools / MIG Wire Spools
- Granted i don't know how much Plasticizers / Pigments effect this, but granted they represent a marginal proportion of the mix, and one can also get Raw Plastic (Can't seem to find the term, some use the term Natural Plastic / Natural Color Plastic but that can overlap with "Natural" being used as a synonym for Biomass Derived so it's unclear, also which plastics besides PVC use plasticizers is a bit of an unknown to me as of now)
- 252.13 Meters
- 85.80 Meters
Internal Links
- How Many Meters of GMAW Wire Per Spool
- How Many Meters of FCAW Wire Per Spool
- Given Metal Choice / Allow / Flux etc varies so much and spool sizes vary more than FDM Printing, i'll leave those pages named that for now, any thoughts on this?