How You Can Die as a Drone Operator

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Drones may be aerial, terrestrial, aquatic, subaquatic, and space. Safety involves awareness of how these can be dangerous.



  • Propellers can shred you. Depending on their size, they can be lethal. Safety measures could be guards.
  • Falling hazard - if the aerial vehicle falls on you, it can kill you.
  • In reconnaisance applications, remember that location of your drone can be detected: thermally, acoustically, with laser, echolocation, radar, with EM. Essentially - think of any wavelength on the EM spectrum, and any wave can be detected. [1]. For forces - any particle forces and motions can be detected (matter (gas, liquid, solids), air waves (acoustic), noise, water waves (sonar)).
  • Low pressure and lack of oxygen is an issue at high altitudes.


  • Heavy drones are dangerous if they unintentionally run you over, crush you, etc. Geofencing and sensors can be measures for safety, as well as readily accessible kill switches.


  • Water tightness is a requirement on water and below water. For underwater, combustion vehicles must carry their own oxidizer supply.
  • High pressure is an issue under water