How homeschoolers can get funding for OSE

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HintLightbulb.png Hint: Nice work

I've found that there are a variety of probably scant and difficult to access resources available for homeschoolers outside of the actual homeschool program allotments. My goal here is to list resources as well as details for what OSE needs to do to be highlighted by those resources.
Alaska appears to be the exception to this.
I'm currently compiling a sheet using the Medium article Marcin found as a jumping off point.
This page from the IDEA homeschool program in Alaska provides a great jumping off place.
For example, looking at the list of items on which allotment can be used are included science supplies, guided instruction (like weekly science clubs), software including online courses, electronic hardware, curriculum packages, and online subscription based programs.

Being able to print math manipulatives and chess and other game pieces with the D3D would really improve its attractiveness.
We could include online support through a continuing curriculum club of some sort.


My name is Jennifer Silves.

I'm on a very exciting project, Open Source Ecology.
We're dedicated to creating and sharing for free the blueprints and software
to build the machines foundational to civilization.

The idea is that with our software, the parts for our D3D printer, a limited amount of feedstock,
and a power source, you can go anywhere
you can go anywhere and build your civilization.

We're several iterations in on a few of our machines,
we have TEDTalks, , and we have developers and builders around the world
working on our project, building out and using our designs,
and sharing their experiences and discoveries
to help to build a better world.

We are very excited about interacting with homeschoolers
and homeschool programs. I would like to extend an invitation to your students
to look into our project and even to join our developers team-

We look forward to feedback on what would we can do that will be most useful to you and your program.

My experience is homeschooling in Alaska, mostly through the IDEA homeschool program.
I wish I would have known about this project then!
Every homeschool program is different though.
We're excited to hear about yours.

Thank-you so much,
Jennifer Silves
Developers Team,

Open Source Ecology

Our main website-
Our wiki- we encourage students to join-
Our developers log/main page/Meetings are posted here-
Our YouTube account-

Messaged on FB.
No relevant contact info on site? ILEAD

Heard back on Facebook.
Thank you for reaching out to us. Your project sounds really interesting! We will review it and see how we can work with you .
I responded: Awesome!

We're really excited about getting youth involved. It's a great opportunity for anyone interested in tech, as well as building, farming, and hardware.

We look forward to hearing from you.
Emailed Valley View Prep
Vendor Ap for Valley View. Please do. Note here.
Visions in Education

[ Sage Oak on Facebook]
Pacific Charter Institute E-mailed.
Myron B Thompson Academy E-mailed top three at link.
[ Harmony Education Services] Emailed.
[ Hawaii Technology Academy] Emailed.


Emailed: Tech Trep Academy Connections Academy Fossil Distance Learning Baker Web AcademyLOGOS Charter School Medford Bridge Charter School Ely Learning Bridge

Facebooked Overture Learning Summit Learning Posted on their Facebook page Teach Northwest Virtual STEAM Academy

Stopped at Summit Learning, ,ost of the way through Oregon