How to Defend Your Rights in Court and Win Every Time - without a Lawyer

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Summary: by learning the skills to enter a lawsuit pro se, you have just won your first case: managing the most onerous burden of any represented lawsuit. That burden is the $300/hr lawyer fees.

This just solved, partially, the dictum that 'the only ones that win in a lawsuit are the lawyers.' They always get paid. But, if you represent yourself, you solve this. But at what cost?

At the cost of learning. Getting new skills. Emotional stress. Your time getting sucked. But, if you look at the situation as sweet justice, and you have a growtg mindset ready to learn - you will make the most out of your experience. With the proper mindset, you will even love the experience. The reward is justice, beyond the racket of paying large sums of money to get that justice. Thus is especially relevant when your recovery is small, and your legal costs are much higher. Here you should note that most cases recover less than they pay in lawyer costs - which is a form of racket: you get to protect your rights - at a large fee

Now what do you do so that the other side, especially if they have no honor or integrity and their lawyer does not uphold their oath of law?

As Holmes chided, 'This is a court of law, not a court of Justice's. Yes, that is real. Here we take you on a journey to seek justice - in a court of law.


  • Discuss in detail what 'victory' means
  • Join a discussion forum. There are specific rules for joining: you must be a pro se party. You must commit to honorable behavior with a solutions-orientes, inclusive, abundance-mindset transformation ideal. If we get crickets, that is fine.


Encouraging more people to self-represent. Closing the legal gap. Educating future pro se lawyers - lawyers providing unbundled, transparent representation to pro se parties, and setting new precedents for representation style and unbundling of services. As a key element of democratic procedure. Hacking law. And abiding to the OSE code of conduct, setting a new ideal within the legal profession. Including transparency regarding lawyers via a rating system.


We teach you 3 strategies that can help you prevail.

Financial and cost strategy - before you go anywhere, it is a good idea to assure that your cost will be less than what you recover. Fact: 90% of civil cases discover that costs will be higher than recovery. This is a manifestation of the outrage that is called 'lawyer billable hours'. Outside of going pro se, it is useful to be aware of litigation and court costs, so that you make wise choices regarding your time management and strategies. Here we go through a court case, from start to finish, through the lens of costs. This provides a reality check in the whole endeavor, to help you make good decisions throughout. If you understand the details of cost structure, you will make better decisions. These costs include your time, lawyer time, deposition costs, lawyer costs, the cost of following one strategy vs. another, etc.

Stress management strategy. Perhaps because of the stress and the unknowns in a lawsuit, which is war - if you can manage your stress effectively, then you will have won the battle. Stress refers to getting pulled down to wrestle with swine, not knowing the significance of events or tactics, lawyers holding their interest above that of clients, delay and obfuscation tactics of scheister lawyers, dishonorable lawyers going right up to the boundary of acceptable conduct, things that are considered 'nornal' in the legal trade that normal citizens or professionals fund appalling, and many other fictions of the battlefield. Note the use of the word battlefield, which is apt. Here we uncover tactics and practices that can help you survive and thrive under all these circumstances.

Time mamagement strategy. The battlefield is full of surprises, which makes planning difficult. This is a reason why an individualay choose to hire a lawyer - at the cost of losing most control, at the benefit of not having to deal with it. The heavy cost is the price ticket. If one could only hope to manage their time effectively, under the duress of a court case - then half the battle is won. To manage this, oneust up their skills of compartmentalization, setting time likts and windows, starting with a sound calendar - and enforcing this calendar when the opposition fails to cooperate. We provide various strategies for this.

Information strategy. Situational awareness is key. Time, stress, and cost management is possible when you are well informed.

You can get books, but they mostly suck when it comes to the reality. The reality means dealing with things when the opposition bends the rules, delays things, causes ambiguity. Oh, you can learn procedure, form, laws, and what a suit is supposed to look like. But you will be in for surprises - especially when you deal with a dishonorable lawyer. You have to deal with surprises and ambiguities. To do that, you have to understand what happened, to deal with it. For that, you need knowhow. However, books and lawyers usually can't help - because when rules are bent, you always end up with edge cases that you can't learn about on the internet.

Your information sources should be mentors, , friends, consultants, and possibly lawyers providing unbundled services. There are no official legal consultants for individuals -;you have to create them.

In summary, you can do it. It will not be easy. But the more aware you are, the better you will do in converting our system from a court of law - to a court of justice.

Disclaimer: this comes out of personal experience, going pro se, after finding out that the opposition lawyer is particularly dishonorable and therefore they would use a strategy of financial attrition by virtue of legal costs to make us settle in a way that is not fair to the injustice that they perpetrated. You can study our case in detail, as an important example of shedding transparency - authored by a couple of transparency-loving individuals.