How to get a "plotable" gcode from a standard image
Open Inkscape
- 1. Add Gcode extension to inkscape
1.a. Download extension [1] and extract
1.b. In your machine. Go Home, press ctrl+H to show hidden files, open .config/inkscape/extensions and paste downloaded files
- 2. File/Document Properties/Custom size (adjust size to bed. Be careful with units)
- 3.a. File / Open… (If it is not a .svg file)
2b. Path/ Trace Bitmap:
2c. Select “Colours”, live preview and reduce the Scans to 2
- 4.a Select object and Edit
3.b. Remove Fill and under “Stroke paint” select “flat colour”. You might want to check that you have just one single line, getting rid of additional lines is another story ;)
3.c. Remove extra layers generated that are probably behind the image you see.
- 5. Save file as .svg or .gcode
- 6. is a nice tool to check the gcode