Hugo Log
20 March 2013
Provided a little more detail on the Traveling Roadshow Concept File:OSE Traveling Roadshow Concept.pptx I will continue to refine what the Roadshow Concept entails in terms of personnel (Marcin and his advance team), presentation logistics (media, displays, brochures, flyers, handouts, etc), demonstration logistics (fuel, location, soil/dirt for CEB, movement of equipment), and coordination with hosts.
Interesting. Would be compelling to do this in Team Wikispeed 100 mpg open source car, and transportation logistics would be lower. - MJ
19 March 2013
OSE Fundraising presentation is complete. File:OSE Fundraising.pptx My goal was to provide a little more concrete execution to the Fundraising Strategy in the Wiki. I think our biggest immediate goal needs to be raise awareness of Open Source Ecology. I think the best way to do that is to do a traveling road show, with Marcin and a couple of engineers and one of the GVCS prototypes. The ideal venue is at a forum that brings together engineer, economics, and social development university professors and students to expose them to what OSE is doing in technical, economic, and social ways. This cuts across a wide variety of demographics: students, professors, and the general public. Raising awareness of OSE enables us to be more aggressive when we ask for grants from a variety of large foundations. It also allows us to create partnerships with organizations with similar goals (social development, open source economy/goods, and sustainable development, for example). Ideally we can create a synergistic effect between partner organizations, thereby increasing awareness further, and making it easier for foundations to give us money.
I also think that we need to seriously consider earned income, the ability to sustain ourselves. I have not completely resolved in my mind the tension between earned income and open source, but a possible course of action could be a class or course at the farm teaching kids or adults how to build one of our prototypes. We could charge a fee for the course for materials and food, for example, but the intent would be to allow the farm to sustain itself, not to generate a profit.
Further, perhaps the farm could generate some income through selling fruits and vegetables that were grown using OSE-developed prototypes. Again, the idea is to expand our "brand recognition" while still staying focused on our mission.
18 March 2013
Began working details in my presentation. Used the Funding framework, Emily Aiken's Work on OSE Positioning, and my own research and discussions, I am working on more detailed ideas on how to raise money for OSE.
16 March
Conducted research on foundations and angel investors as well as social media. Began presentation on how OSE could move forward with fundraising.
15 March 2013
Spoke to a friend in the non-profit world about her assessment of Open Source Ecology and more specific ideas about fund-raising. She discussed the four "pots" of money: earned income, foundation grants, angel investors, and individual donations. Her opinion was that Open Source Ecology's "sweet spot" was grants from large foundations.
14 March 2013
Conducted research on fund raising ideas, both conventional and new, more modern methods (social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
12 March 2013
Received assignment from Marcin concerning a concrete plan to raise funds for Open Source Ecology.