Hydraulic Connection Diagram Standards

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Main point of hydraulic diagram is that it allows one to move on 3 points: (1) component design, (2) readily ability for work to be reviewed; (3) ability to source components readily, including BOM generation. Further - (4) a large hydraulics design can be worked on in real time by several people via Google Docs to create a Master Design - in One Day.

To draw a hydraulic diagram:

  1. use a vector graphics program such as Google Docs Drawings [www.drive.google.com www.drive.google.com]
  2. paste in component images
  3. link connections via lines
  4. use simple drawings to elucidate context
  5. label the specifications of hydraulic components and fittings
  6. use OSE Title Block
  7. List all parts below the diagram with links to sources.

Ostrac hydraulics.jpg



  1. Sample Conceptual Diagram without images of parts. Sufficient but does not provide the builder with a visual understanding of parts used.
  2. Example with pictures. Best example for physical build clarity.
  3. Example with pictures and specifications, without pictures of fittings.
