Hydraulic Power Unit Analysis of Industry Standards
From Open Source Ecology
- http://www.gulfengine.com/html/hydraulicunits.html
- 13 hp - [1]
- 13 hp - says oil cooler is required for long run times - [2]
- 18hp - cooler optional - [3]
- 18 hp - doesn't appear to have a cooler - [4]
- 18hp with cooler - [5]
- 18 hp - [6]
- 18 hp - [7]
- Stanley 18hp- [8]
- 18 hp integral, doesn't appear to have a cooler - [9]
- 18 hp With 8-tube heat exchanger - [10]. Good operation manual - [11]
- 18hp manual - says if ambient temp is above 75 and usage is more than 2-3 hours at a time - need to use cooler.