IG Farben

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Check out related books on IG Farben - https://soilandhealth.org/social-criticism/

Dear Soil and Health,

Crime and Punishment of IG Farben is a great book - I got if from you years ago - do you no longer have it?

Also, do you have a good backup plan - such as hosting your books on Internet Archive, Outernet, or other permanent sources, such as even our wiki (opensourceecology.org/wiki/) ?

See what we do if you haven't seen our work - https://www.ted.com/talks/marcin_jakubowski_open_sourced_blueprints_for_civilization

Interesting how IG Farben came up for me today: we are 3D printing open source rubber tracks for our open source tractors made from thermoplastic urethane, a rubber substance. Guess who invented it? Yes, IG Farben.

Thanks, Marcin