Implements, Power Harrow, Rotary Soil Miller

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From Tom Loos:

Here are some quick ideas:

Click on:

Root Digger Plow : 2 bolt flange.

Power harrow: 3 bolt coupler.

I'm seeing the power harrow as a rear implement for LifeTrac. Run hoses back to hydraulic motors facing downwards. Motors turn the tines directly. Large mesh roller smooths everything out behind, ready for planting. Perfect. I think.

What would happen to motors if you hit rocks with tines?

(No problem. Pressure relief valves protect motors. These have to be designed in accordingly)

I don't have experience in these matters. Many of these machines use slip clutches. I guess because all the tines are gear driven off the main pto?

Another idea along these lines:

Put a dirt channeling cover/safety guard over your existing soil pulverizer. Attach large mesh roller behind. Drag behind LifeTrac. Make it height adjustable via roller and/or hitch on LifeTrac. Both models of Rinaldi harrow only go 16-20 cm deep into soil. Leaves pulverized soil in LifeTrac's wake.

Voila...rotary soil miller.