Incentive Challenge Judging Criteria
Because the collaborators will become entrepreneurial producers - let the other ones that want to do this be selected by the community via voting, where we just set the requirements and qualifications. Those who step up to leadership (production) agree to the First OSE OSPD Working Conference, and agree to develop distribution channels. Then the 100-200 entrepreneurs vote on the winners, and it can be themselves. There could be 3 levels of vote: community, leaders, with OSE team reserving only final veto power. The submission is 1. Remixed Design guide, 2. build guide, 3. Enterprise guide, and 4. product manual, with 5. submission of the drill or it's redeeming parts (modularity and interface standards are uniform). There could be multiple winners. But community decides. OSE enforces only collaboration, inclusivity, and transparency.
Submission Process
- Register on HeroX
- Learn basic wiki and set up Work Log according to our template, and add your profile to the Dashboard page on the wiki. Embedded Discourse thread(s) on Work Log using Askbot on Dashboard. Twitter and OSE Workshops FB are used for communication as well with #osechallenge, #OSEchallenge
- Engage dialogue on HeroX, Askbot, Discourse.
- Publish early and often with Annotated Design History and parts added to your Part Library. Transparency is via the wiki file version history, and annotation for any design change. Orientation is by immediate correlation of file with Annotated History on a person's log. This is simply enforcing a practice of transparency where everyone can orientation readily on the latest changes, without locking down files, and with conflict resolution only upon simultaneous upload. With 1000 people and 100 total files, let kelohood of conflict is low - thanks to module-based design. See Analysis of PLM Software Conflict Resolution.
Working Doc
- Complete entries ONLY win. Thus you must team up with others if you don't have the full product. You can team up with as many people as you like. The other team must simply accept you. To team up, you must have something to offer. Someone accepting you is a vote for both people - they are voting 1+ for your content. You can team up with as many people as possible. The teaming phase may be throughout the contest, or it may be during one of later phases.
Definition of Done
- Case WTH no loose wires
- Proper termination
- Consumer grade user interface
- Design-for-disassembly and repair
Anyone can join any time. Crowdfunded award will go to mid-point semi-finalists to reward collaborative behavior: reputation x2, feedback, and community facilitation. Possibly reward the marketers/distribution developers for performance-based results. May want to do one Discourse instance per incentive challenge to keep performance record clear.
Incentive Challenge Collaborators
Judging starts with imagining the perfect product. We enlist Incentive Challenge Collaborators to envision the Perfect Product as suggestions for beginning the challenge, in as much detail as possible, to guide contributors the most effectively. This becomes part of our Specification up front. This links to people being Partners, Sponsors, and Collaborators. Each contestant is named Collaborator from here on.