The "InoCont" concept (the Program "Another Contin(g)ent" ("Independent planetary settlements", IPS)). The Program general purposes are to create civil movement on expansion on the Earth of models of ability to live and an infrastructure of IPS, pertinent for the subsequent settling of planets and other objects of Solar system. The paramount attention is given to formation of social culture of alliances as crucial condition for the right of the subsequent beginning of settling of other planets.
Aspects of IPS’ complex working out are:
1. Terraforming. Formation problems of "an inhabited lens of dwelling», climate formation, agrotechnologies of vegetative soil formation, typical soil structure, complex investigation of useful resources, including industrial raw materials, the vital resources etc.
2. Social-culture-sphere. This is one of priority directions of the researches, including working out of methodology of social design forecasting of IPS’ vital strategy, research of the factor of time as resource of IPS’ ability to live, construction of IPS model as managing self-organizing subject, algorithms of modelling of IPS’ strategy. Software-hardware for IPS design forecasting, methodical and teaching-didactic maintenance of IPS’ design forecasting here get out.
3. Urbanism and cognitive architecture. The concept of cognitive architecture integrates ideas of social designing and interactivity of environment. It means that the architecture is perceived by the inhabitant of settlement as the multiplane developed text. Its perusal causes dialogue (internal and external), comprehension by the person itself and environments, motivation not only consumption, but also generation of new senses. So there is possible a semantic culture of the architectural environment.
4. An engineering infrastructure. Includes all complex of problems on power supply, water supply, synthesis of air, ventilation, air-conditioning and thermostatic, recycling of a waste, to channels of communications, etc.
5. Food circulation (homeostasis). The problem of maintenance of an optimum food allowance of IPS’ inhabitants dares.
6. Complex safety. Including, information-psychological safety, power safety, technical safety, physical, etc. aspects of safety.
7. Expansion reserves. It is the key not trivial aspect of designing which do not have methodological analogues in the history of mankind.
The Program road map considers necessity of an operating time earth dwellers of experience of maintenance of "complete autonomy" by 2040s years.