Jack Spirko
Sponsorship - 10%
Most membership - $50
6 months 5 days a week - 45 minute shows. 12 sponsors.
True show sponsor- pays for mention.
Support brigade - 20 cents per episode to subscribe.
Ideal frequency - every day of the week - most valuable thing is their time. People look forward to it.
150k downloads per session.
18 months just did it in the car.
1861 episode today. No magic sauce - you really have to be good. New fresh topic. Then get engaged feedback. Then add guests. 2 guests first. Then down to 1
Monday feedback - sending responses.
Tue regular show.
Wed interview day - outside guy.
Thu call-in. Set up a hotline - the Think 866.665.Think. Kall 8. Comes in on an email. Set up a Rule on Outlook - and that goes automatically into a call-ins Folder. By a standard Email
Web hosting. 100 Terabytes service - $1k per month. Both primary and secondary server. Automatic backup every 2 hours. Hostgator first. Record with Audacity. Aptek Skype Recorder. Mike - Samson c01u usb condenser mike.
Apogee for macs - edit in Sony Vegas.
Edit sound - Audacity for sound record, but edit elsewhere. Bandwidth - 20TB. equal to FM radio. 150 thousands. 48 hours within publication. Stopped iTunes to 50 most recent - and they Download All.
Fri council of experts - specific topics.
8400 subscribers + 50. 10 sponsorship.
About 6 hours per day.
Did sales and marketing for 20 years. Used to speak all the time. How to make boring shit entertaining. Figure format. First 5 episodes will be crap. One man
Frequency Frequency Frequency - other person is a guest or expert council. Ask people to do 8 minute answer to questions. Expert Council.
Josiah - TSP The Survival Podcast - different. Maybe 20% do it because of just content.
Join is not hard. But hard to make them stay? This is where the retention comes in. 80% retention.
Demographic is not preppers only. 150k with 8k paying members.
Discount is all online sales - with a discount code? Conditions 1 yr + discount not available to public. say 10% discount all year.
$50 - $4/month
Additional incentives - just a discount to something.
Build relationship with audience first.
Secret sauce: