Jason Kridner
- Beagle bone - he and his wife - runs foundation
- Initial founding -
- Currently at TI
- 350k BBB sold last year - 3-4M for Ras Pi
- Olimex - https://www.olimex.com/
- Cheap open table -
- NXP is not doing much
- Nobody has stuff to compete with cheap chinese tablet
- Openmoko is stable - but not going forward.
- Project Ara - died
- Motorola Z - semimodular
- BBB - controlling electronics is the bigger deal.
- https://www.machinekit.io/about/
- Standard interface - for screen etc - as many standard producs
- OLPC - serviceable
- https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/android-raspberry-pi/
- Can do RasPad w/bead
- Make it multiple board capable?
- https://bela.io/
- SEEED and Soundcloud and Russians license BeagleBone. Authorized clones.
- ella.io - http://elladurham.com/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tivoization
- OpenAg - food puter - plants seeds and growing - https://www.media.mit.edu/groups/open-agriculture-openag/overview/
- Ardupilot has native support for realtime
- ROS-Navlink-autopilot - logic is above autopilot level
- https://e-ale.org/
- https://www.hackster.io/projects?ref=topnav
- Doing well at University level
- Drew Fustini, Jason - access on blog at Adafruit
- Guest blog on BBB - https://beagleboard.org/blog/
- Hackaday - Brian Benchoff - Sophi Kravitz -
- Hackster - Alastair Allen. Alex Glow - talk there. Promo. Do a project entry. https://www.hackster.io/projects?ref=topnav
- AI Vision - accelerator for vision. Autopilot + vision + neural net object recognition. Beagleboard.org/AI.
- Have different pieces - but integration is key.
- Train a model to locate things. Different algorithms on top of autopilot. Get a certain percentage of screen with an object.
- Autopilot+ROS+Navlink. SLAM. Trained model to recognize. On other, control system the drone to go to somewhere like gcode. Downward sensor for height. Sensor fusion is found in Ardupilot.
- Yes - X86 computers - Qualcomm computers. BB Ai - within 6 months. Better support on hardware. BB AI - can open source vision AI.
- Google Coral on top.
- bbb.io/ai/alpha has some helpful links as does bbb.io/ai