Jose Urra Log

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Welcome to Open Source Ecology! We hope you will contribute much and well. You will probably want to read the help pages. Again, welcome and have fun! Marcin (talk) 21:44, 24 February 2017 (CET)

Fri Aug 21, 2018

A Story About Open Source

August, 16, 2018

Tutorial on open source workflow (git, github, and gitkraken)[1]
Presentation link for Open Source, Open workflow, integrated collaboration[2]

August, 22, 2017

Working on PowerCube parts and 3D web visualization. 1. Fan cooler parts see BOM checklist[3]. 2. Meeting with Michel to plan sprints on WebGL Documentation.

August, 8, 2017

Working on website preparation for production. 1. Cleaned repository on github of website. 2. Documentation of Website requirements/user stories to collaborate with other developers[4].

August,1st, 2017

Working on:
. Using WebGl with blender to skip sketchfab

Done things:
1. Subassembly 1[5].
2. Cord clamp simplified model[6]
3. Preparation of Github Repository and Documentation for the Sprint session[7].

July 25, 2017

Working on:
. Using WebGl with blender to skip sketchfab
See the video tutorial to do this in an html page[8] (pretty easy to do)

Work done:
1. 3D model with annotations can be manipulated at the header of the website
Lessons Learned: How it can be done within the tweentyseventeen theme: go to the header files in wordpress and add the following code:
"<div class="sketchfab-embed-wrapper, custom-header-media"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="" frameborder="0" allowvr allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe>"

July 16, 2017

1. Tested video + image header media.
Issue:I would like to have shootings from the printer, where I can make a slower paced video.
Compared to the current one.

July 7, 2017

Working on page for the D3D printer Documentation
See work items in the scrum board at the top of the page
1. Content from About OSE
2. Content about D3D printer intro

June 30, 2017

Currently setting up a simple theme(tweenty seventeen for the Replication Workshops.

The website mission is to attract people to join or create new replication workshops.
See the problems/ unsolved issues in the scummy

June 15, 2017

Working on: GeoDirectory wordpress plugin to ensure that events are presented with location information.

Once this is done we will be able to create/post events of 3D printer replication workshops across the globe

Remaining content sections for the website:
> Download documentation for D3D printer.(can be solved in the short term with a link to our wiki).
> About OSE can be solved with the TED video, and some text

June 5, 2017

Work items:
1. Modified wireframe based on notes the below[9].
2. Build website in Wordpress:
2.1. Customization of Hestia Theme in wordpress for OSE.
2.2. Use of plugin Elementor WYSIWYG to custmize page design, embed maps, etc.

Changes are updated also in the github repository.

May 27, 2017

Focus of Website: Workshop Audience - main current need; Developers - main current need; Learning and Hacking - design your own printer, but that needs the FreeCAD 3DPCS workbench. Swag - need to develop that. Enterprise comes later, as we don't have proven substance for that. We should come up with clear phasing for website, so only things with content are shown. That means for now the current phase can have only 2 things - XM Workshops; OSE Devs. XM Workshops should have a map for signing up for future workshops. Then phase in all the other elements. MVP would be XM + OSE Devs. -MJ

Learnings for the team: 1. Github is good to develop documentation, code etc. It is the most practical infrastructure so far to work collaboratively and distributed, its part of what makes linux great today. How do we make it ours in a practical way?

Personal Learnings: 1. I learned the basics of wp theme architecture. 2. More hands on how to work with github. 3. Learned how to create a basic custom theme, to reuse what was build in plunker.

Work items: See steps from 1-4.

All these things are published in a github Repo.
The latest working repository is this.

4.Creating a custom themefrom the previous html sketch in plunker [10].
3.First theme customization attempt using"twentyseventeen theme"
2.Setting up the local wordpress and localhost.
1.Website design from plunker moved to github.

May 21, 2017

First Iteration of website redesign: video test for the Website header:

2nd Iteration:

Apr 28, 2017

Standup - [11]

Apr 24, 2017

1. Optimized part for Extruder Holder horizontally hanging File:Extruder Holder April 14.FCStd
2. Verification of print Volume for 12 inch version. (failed to meet the 8x8x8 inch specification)
3. Exploded Frame model including magnets, and angles[12]
4. Script recording of Frame Sections[13]
5. Instructional Editing in Kdenlive (Audio should be improved)[14]

Apr 14, 2017

File:Extruder Holder April 14.FCStd

April 12, 2017

1. Extruder interface for 12 inch version[15]

April 10, 2017

1. Extruder interface for 12 inch version[16]
2. Integration of 12 inch version [17].
Comments: The extruder interface was redesigned two times, first attempt didn't work see the different iterations documented here in slide 15 to 18[18]]

April 3, 2017

1. D3D medium size version 12 inch frame: Belts, and motor interface design variants.

Mar 27, 2017

1. Updated BOM, [19].
2. D3D medium size version 12 inch frame [20].

Mar 20, 2017

1. Updated BOM, amount of fasteners and bolts [21].
2. Instructional template, style and approach[22].
3. Right Y-Axis instructional.

Mar 13, 2017

1. Updated Bill of materials for D3D [23]. References used: 1. latest meetings and 2. Toms's 3d[24]
2.First simple version of belt for D3D - File:Simple belt.FCStd

Mar 6, 2017

Reviewed the OSE D3D latest meetings. Reviewed logs from the team members, to get an overview of what is going on.

Feb 2017

This is the documentation of my freeCAD test, as part of the process of becoming an OSE volunteer. FreeCAD file: File:Jose Carlos Urra Video FreeCAD Test.FCStd
