Laura Colcord Log

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Thu May 7, 2015

Team Leader Training

Tue April 7, 2015

Approach Summary - Aquaponics Greenhouse X Prize - see [1]

Tue Mar 24, 2015

Think hard about provisional leadership roles. Co-Leaders could do it. Something like a trial or internship period. On-boarding process.

  • Skills for leading a team. Deliverables, specifications. High level timeline.
  • Agendas for meeting, distance collaboration - action items plus clear dates.

Also - "The part that feels to me like it is missing or WAY underemphasized is designing the “tests” for the Proof of Concept Greenhouse and the Full Scale Greenhouse. Maybe that is buried in the metrics working team, but without really specifying in advance what SUCCESS looks like in terms of the product and process you are developing, it doesn’t feel like we’ve explained the true ambition and how we will prove that we’ve met it." Thus:

  • What does success look like? Test-driven design.


  • Design rationale for crop - yield per square foot.
  • What decision will drive the crop choice? Revenue + Market Robustness
  • Measure Risk by some process
  • How quickly will the yield be demonstrated?
  • Big scale goal: 100k x 100k goal - if so, this needs to be included and fed into the Documentation, Publication, Enterprise Team.

What does success look like? Which team will have biggest effect on metric.

Next steps:

  1. Prioritize the steps required. 1-41 in priority order. Top 12 in priority order.
  2. Follow up with 30 core team - personally
  3. Give 3 days and send a followup.

Wed Feb 18, 2015

Vision exceeds capacity. So get capacity, or reduce vision. Do a force multiplier. Scenarios. Say 120 people on aquaponics. So are we messing up or ok. Critical assumption: tasks can be defined well enough. Laura would not make this assumption. Some things are known, some things are unknown. What are the knowns, unknowns, and iterations needed. If some people don't catch on - we need to catch them. We need a core team, and need them to be a team. Overall: good progress on Process for Organizing the Aquaponics Team - [2].

Thu Feb 12, 2015

How to facilitate a team: Leader's role is thought leader but not sole driver. Agenda and sequence of topics to go over in each meeting. Typically deviate from plan and improve on it. We start meeting with a planned meeting - and then we can change actively while we are in the meeting. For potential real lead - invite him to leadership team - get buy-in on ambitions, measurement of success, etc. Document how meeting takes place- record and document meeting. End meeting with Next Steps - volunteers for various tasks. People are excited now - but will continue only if their input is valued. Give people a chance to collaborate and build on thinking - but definitely have assignments on what people can contribute. For June - what can we sacrifice and what is non-negotiable. We need a specific Critical Path document. Structure + biology + mechanical systems.

Perhaps go for Kauffman Foundation funding. Market competitive - so quality control is needed.

This week: hack together onboarding materials. Focus on something very important and very good. Aquaponics. CEB. Spend time on goals, deliverables, schedule. Test our ability to recruit a leader. After a few sessions, see if the leadership arises.

Laura's Task: define a general protocol and best practices for building the team. Focus on developing leadership in the team.

Mon Feb 23, 2015

Laura work - community facilitator Role Description - [3]

Discussion centered around creating two new working teams:

3-D Printer Workshop Working Team - purpose is to modify an existing design for a 3-D printer and work out all the details required so that an instructor can lead a 2-day workshop in which 24 participants collaborate to build 24 3-D printers. This initiative will allow OSE to get experience creating a distributive enterprise around 3-D printer manufacture. We expect there to be very big demand for 3-D printers, so that a workshop leader may be able to hold 2 - 4 workshops per month and earn a significant living.

Webinar Working team - purpose is to think through how to create a series of webinars on topics that will be of interest to the OSE community. Marcin has a contact in Poland who has been very successful in offering webinars (free to view for the first 8 weeks, request a donation after that). Our goals for this initiative will be to think through webinars that will be of interest to the community, to engage community leaders to produce the webinars, to develop protocols for webinar production that will be supportive of the OSE brand, and to experiment with different ways of offering the webinars. Ideally, we would like the webinars to support a full-time Community Manager - estimate we will need to generate $25-50K / year to be able to support the addition of a staff member.

We agreed to start soliciting interest (have people sign up via a Google form). Laura to develop a draft document on expectations for working team members.

Thu Feb 19, 2015

Host Organization - give us space and pays for food and get 2 people to go for free. OSE: home of Extreme Production. Showing how it can be done faster and better than ever before. Even more interesting is v3.0 workshop - where you learn about Expertise in Lean manufacturing. Makers who want to extend their extreme lean skills.

3DP Workshop -

Logistics Plan, Marketing Plan, Other Plan

Approaches: No definition, no experience. We set up the structures to hire someone less capable. Or we can hire someone who has experience already. Or third - build in

Community Manager Role Description

Set up an assessment protocol for leaders. Putting people in appropriate roles -

Universal applicable skills - teaching them.


  1. Careful definition of where we need help - --
  2. Matchmaking - social technology, Mother Hen
  3. Whole live spirit of community - social media, absorbing people in, making people proud of what they do

Most important problem to solve right now? Constraints: resources to get there? Not really, the protocol to get there.

Either spend resources, or crack the code.

Create a team and team leader. Appraisals and rewards are missing - if no measurement or appraisal, they leave.

Working document

Constraint: real active community, from ad-hoc development. Marcin's role is thought leadership. Have someone to step to manage the community. -

Marcin is valuable as thought leadership, so need more of execution arm.

Real active community wrangler. Wiki Structuring

  • Collaboration with Appropedia

Chapters Manager

Production Manager

Organizational Chart

What does a project offer to volunteers

  • Lofty ideals
  • Contacts in community
  • Useful design - and skills
  • Hands on workshop skills
  • Creating new knowledge for the world

Thu Feb 5, 2015

Working document - CEB Press Distributive Enterprise Workshop

Tue Jan 13, 2015

CEB Press Division -


CEB Division Financial


Wed Jan 7, 2015

Discussed simplified enterprise model -

Wed Dec 31, 2015

Business Plan first cut


Financials Spreadsheet


Tue Dec 16, 2014

Brought Laura up to speed on XM model of WOrkshop and plain production - commitment - for Next Tuesday a rough draft of a business model to send to a Foundation. Application/Business Plan - options for which pieces they want to fund. Maybe strategy for how we approach the Foundation for support. Their enterprise pays forward. Develop social contract for Students. Will also try to drag her consulting friends in to help on the project.

Tue Dec 9, 2014


Complete set. Autonomy. Student clients - focus on people who foundations will found - foundations galore that underwrite the students.

me 1:33 PM

OSE Business Plan

me 2:08 PM 2011 plans - 2014 brick press -

Collaboration Ecology

me 2:38 PM Microhouse 4 -

MicroHouse 4 - Build Planning

me 2:41 PM One day build -