Led grow light
LED Grow Lights Advantages Efficiency: LEDs emit more light per watt than incandescent light bulbs. Their efficiency is not affected by shape and size, unlike fluorescent light bulbs or tubes.
Color: LEDs can emit light of an intended color without using any color filters as traditional lighting methods need. This is more efficient and can lower initial costs.
Size: LEDs can be very small (smaller than 2 mm2) and are easily populated onto printed circuit boards.
On/Off time: LEDs light up very quickly. A typical red indicator LED will achieve full brightness in under a microsecond. LEDs used in communications devices can have even faster response times.
Cycling: LEDs are ideal for uses subject to frequent on-off cycling, unlike fluorescent lamps that fail faster when cycled often, or HID lamps that require a long time before restarting.
Cool light: In contrast to most light sources, LEDs radiate very little heat in the form of IR that can cause damage to sensitive objects or fabrics. Wasted energy is dispersed as heat through the base of the LED.
Slow failure: LEDs mostly fail by dimming over time, rather than the abrupt failure of incandescent bulbs.
Lifetime: LEDs can have a relatively long useful life. One report estimates 50,000 hours of useful life, though time to complete failure may be longer. Fluorescent tubes typically are rated at about 10,000 to 15,000 hours, depending partly on the conditions of use, and incandescent light bulbs at 1,000–2,000 hours.
Shock resistance: LEDs, being solid state components, are difficult to damage with external shock, unlike fluorescent and incandescent bulbs which are fragile.
Focus: The solid package of the LED can be designed to focus its light. Incandescent and fluorescent sources often require an external reflector to collect light and direct it in a usable manner.
Applications: Hydroponics, Horticulture, Greenhouse Lighting, etc
Stages of Growth: In general terms, its is recommended that seedlings/clones receive 16+ hours of light on, 8- hours off. During the vegetative phase, plants benefit from 18 hours on, 6 hours off. Using the Best LED Grow Lights, plants should have a balance of 12 hours on, 12 hours off during the flowering stage of growth.
Incredible Energy & Cost Savings & Eco-Friendly A 90W LED UFO Grow Light produces as much light as a standard 400W HPS (High Pressure Sodium) light. According to the US Dept. of Energy, the average price of power is 10.7 cents per kilowatt-hour. For one year of use (12 hours per day) a 400 W HID light adds $187.46 to your bill while a 90W LED Light adds ONLY $42.18!! That’s nearly 80% less!!
Dense and Powerful Buds with Full Spectrum Lights With a LED grow light you can grow more powerful and dense but than with an HPS light, but you need a high intensity full spectrum LED light for that. Full spectrum lights have all the different wavelengths that fall into PAR range and thus replicate the sun the best of any light. HPS lights for example are super-heavy on the red-spectrum. With a full spectrum you will have a well balanced light spectrum.