London Workshop

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Here are some updates/ideas for discussion:

  • Announced the 3-day Workshop in the OSE Workshops Facebook Page - dates were arbitrarily set at November 24 to 26 - are these okay?
  • We have one sign up for the three day workshop so far - my friend Charles; I am still working out my own financial structure to participate in the full workshop.
  • Hoping that between your website and our local network we will generate enough participation for the full 3 day.
  • May need a few more days to fully confirm the 3-day; even so, all indications are positive.
  • My secondary and university students have now all been advised of your visit
  • One student has agreed to design a poster for your talk inspired by the Hong Kong poster
  • Have a meeting on Monday with a local lawyer interested in all of this
  • Perhaps "going all in" may mean taking a long term view and planning to invite Catarina to hold a 1 year anniversary lecture.
  • Still wondering about best way for students to interact with the workshop - as we already have enough 3D printers; an additional $2000 would put us over budget for the filament extruder build; might we generate extruder quick build process at London International Academy? Might we simply have a workshop around the extruder without a guarantee of a 1 day build? Might we instead focus on the precious plastic shredder and to design, CAD and the like? Perhaps we can work this out with a phone call when you return from China.


  • One friend, Charles, spontaneously offered his own financial support and support to get corporate sponsorship + a suitable lecture room at the university. He has been interested in OSE since 2011 when I returned from FeF.
  • Another friend, Johann, of Human Innovation PIE ( has offered to network in the community and support the organization of the event.
  • My school has been very supportive - all key members of staff are on board.
  • Still hoping to connect with our local bank sponsors with details of this event.
  • Several other friends are at least planning to attend the lecture
  • My students are very happy with the prospect of your visit as they are already familiar with the vision of the OSE having seen your video and discussed it thereafter.
  • My son, Haydar, has offered his room for however many days. Your wife, Catarina, is certainly welcome to join you as well.
  • We will meet you at the airport at whatever time your flight arrives. Food + transportation + accommodation are covered for the entire trip.
  • In the next few days, I would like to get some firm commitments from some of the above individuals and others in order to expand to the 2-3 day window. Will inform asap.

Day 1

  • Workshop with LIA students and other students: build Filament Extruder (we already have 4 3D printers)
  • Public lecture at Western University

Day 2

  • Day of FreeCAD - crowd redesign of precious plastic shredder
  • PD for 2 individuals + participation of students

Day 3

  • Training in OSE systems/philosophy 1-2 individuals (minimum)
  • Launch of some sort of OSE presence in Canada - OSE club, etc.