Luke Eisman
From Open Source Ecology
- 7-11 in Mexico was liquidating - 3200 juice equipment. 52 train cars.
- Military hangar -
- Second hand refurbishing - mechanical + HVAC with HVAC certification
- Took all of it,
- Low cost housing project
- Hates planned obsolence
- Producer
- Rent to 22% of income. Above that, homelessness increases. Once above 33%, way above.
- Buildings in KC,
- Last mile delivery
- General Assembly - needed programmers on a massive scale.
- Charmaine cofounder - was one of the founders - brought in 90% of Singularity University funding.
- For people that
- Exploration and creativity
- General Assembly - focused on getting to the job without any of the fluff. Say we apply to troubled population.
- HVAC, metalworking, electricians, plumbers - unionized jobs -
- Kindred spirit.