From Open Source Ecology
Fri Jan 24, 2025
- Another study of survival rates -[1]
- Meta-analysis - [2]
Wed Jan 22, 2025
- Levetiracetam - used for anti seisure [3]
- Presenting symptoms and decline - [4]
- Depression and anxiety in glioma cases - [5]
- IDH wild type. Works more on behavioral change.
- After first line treatment, glioblastoma OS is 2-9 months. [6]. But, gemini sez maintenance chemo (
Wed Jan 9, 2024
- Common enema fluids - [7]. MgPo is gentler than NaPo. They work by making intestines absorb water.
- Order of treatment for impaction: laxative, enema, disimpaction. [8]. If suppository needed, it should be doctor-ordered. [9].
- Digital disimpaction is not recommended to be done by oneself. [10]
- How to identify fecal impaction? [11]. If so, get out the gloves.
- Why does fecal impaction cause vomiting? [12]
- When is ER required for fecal impaction? [13]
Fecal impaction can be life threatening. [14]
- Fecal impaction is not constipation. It is result of constipation. [15].
More questions:
- What the patient considers "normal" BMs
- Usual bowel habit, duration of feeling constipated, date of last BM
- Current stool appearance (consistency, color, odor, blood, mucous)
- Associated symptoms (e.g., nausea, abdominal fullness, bloating, gas, diarrhea, tenesmus)
- Likely causes and contributing factors (see Table 2):
- Medication history, including laxatives, suppositories, enemas
- Medical conditions affecting laxative selection (e.g., vocal cord paralysis, which precludes mineral oil, or impaired renal function, which contraindicates magnesium salts)
- Current diet and desire to eat as well as fiber intake (can patient consume fiber to 30 G per day and drink sufficient fluids to maximize bulk effects and avoid exacerbating constipation?)
- Activity level, altered mobility, fatigue, or weakness, which may interfere with usual normal BMs.
- It is prudent to anticipate opioid-induced constipation (OIC) in patients starting or taking opioid analgesics and to start prophylactic management. [16]
- Megacolon - bowel distends to 4" [17]
- Acetylcholine - anticholinergics suppress it. [18]. Is that part of cancer treatment?
- 80-90% of terminal cases report constipation
- Paradoxical diarrhea - overflow diarrhea around hard stool. Par 2 [19]
- Anal fissure - tearing of ass
Assessment, no pun intended, for 'functional constipation' involves the 25% rule [20]
- Shits aren't well addressed for cancer patients - [21]
- Should a brain cancer treatment patient go to the ER for serious constipation - Could be serious if no shit for 1 week - [22]. If no BM after 1-2 days of laxative, go to ER.
- Fecal impaction - [23]. Suggested order is laxative followed by physical means. Careful about complications. Can take days to weeks to form over time [24]
- Dulcolax (bisacodyl) forces shit out. Miralax (polyethylene glycol) softens it first, takes longer. [25]
- Miralax - polyethylene glycol - works by softening shit with water by making stomach feed water into the shit. [26]
- Mechanism for hardening is sucking of water out the intestine walls, making shit hard. This occurs from retarded bowel movement. [27]
Mon Nov 25, 2024
- Forwarded Kaia's AETNA cara manager release form to HJ so MJ can communicate with AETNA
- Should I ask if HJ wants to set up portal at Neurosurgens of NJ by phone? I can call to find out about treatment scheduling before doing this.
- Kessler will check if insurance covers treatment.
Fri Nov 22, 2024
- Called MyChart tech support via Barnabas
- Called Barnabas regarding records. Sounds like HIPPA Release, talked to Kenya. We can do so, they just send a text to patient with release form. Called legal re PoA. LM with David Mebbins.
- Totaled car insurance worked out
- Setting up appointment with Dr. Liu and Dr Brown.
- Sent intake info to Kessler Rehab for eye work, occupational therapy - prescription, insurance, doctor info.
- Sent blood work prescription to as We just talked on the phone. Please find the bloodwork prescription attached. Do you need anything else from us. Hieronim
Mon Nov 18, 2024
- RWJBH MyChart - online login [28]. Tech support - [1-833-764-3570.]
- Epic - promoting 'zero events of preventable harm'. Includes billing and scheduling.
- RWJBarnabas Health HIE - only available to doctors and providers.
- Hospital - [29]
- [30] RWJ Barnabas Health
- What patient record system does barnabas use?
- Medical records rights - [31]
- Patient portal is accessible for patient on smartphone. [32]
- Is patient file accessible in realtime? [33]
- Is patient file accessible to patient? [34]. HIPPA privacy rule.
- Get the patient file. Patient can do it.
- Get the source.
- No standard procedure exists for PCNSL. [35]
- What kind of lymphomas occur in the brain? [36]
- What kinds of brain tumors exist? 120 types. [37]
- CAT, PET, bone biopsy, blood, genetic tests.
- Are all lymphomas in the brain called CNS lymphomas? Yes [38]
- CNS lymphomas - [39]
- Start with visitor desk.
- Admin staff outside of nurse?
- Probably there a round by the doctor is around? Ask nurse when he is making his rounds.
- Is brain lymphoma the same as lymphoma in the brain? [[40]
- What is the typical treatment for lymphoma once tumor is removed? Chemo, ratiation, immunotherapy drugs, stem cell treatment, or no treatment. [41]
- When is he getting out of the hospital?
- Chemo cycle is for ex 28 days - 1-3 days, then off. Or 3 week - day 1 and 8, and all else is off.
- What exams are we waiting for?
- What will the exams show?
- What will the exams not show.
- What is the proposed treatment from here?
- What results are we waiting for?
- For each result, what are the courses of action?
- When is chemo starting?
- What is the expected schedule for chemo? Number of times? Does the intensity change?
- What are typical complications that happen?
Sat Nov 16, 2024