Määttä Juuso

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Tim Schmidt Sun, Aug 15, 10:29 PM (8 hours ago)

to me, Määttä

Dear friends,

Nice to meet you, Juuso. Wonderful to hear from you both.

I have been dealing with a grant application deadline, and I am dealing with ISP issues which have the replimat website down until at least 8AM EST, please accept my apology for not responding with more alacrity.

I concur that Arduino is the most accessible platform(s) for control projects. Many chips with arduino support are available today in the 100mhz range with 32bit instructions and high resolution PWM, DACs, and ADCs. Even so, the ECE480 group managed to produce workable waveforms on a 16Mhz 8bit model.

As I see it, the project breaks down like this:

  • identify desired FETs based on voltage, amperage, cost, availability, package type requirements (mouser.com, digikey.com)
  • draw circuit in EDA software (I often do quick prototypes in Fritzing, and have experience with Eagle for final designs. Know some things about KiCAD as well)
  • order pcbs, components
  • assemble test board, bring up with a test firmware. Once functionality is confirmed, assemble remaining boards and distribute to collaborators
  • test power quality and refine firmware

If we can identify or allocate a budget for PCBs and components, I'll be happy to take lead on the rest. For 4 or 5 prototypes we're likely looking at a few hundred bucks total.
