Torch Table Bill of Materials
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[hide]Oxy-acetylene Torch
Source for the torch:
The term Machine Torch refers to a 3-hose or 2-hose oxy-acetylene torch nozzle that is used on automated CNC torch cutting tables. The 3-hose version features automatic oxygen blast, engaged via a solenoid. The 2-hose version requires manual toggle of the oxygen blast.
Add flashback arrestors to the regulator, as the machine torch typically does not have flashback arrestors. [1]
- $370 3-hose torch - [2]
- $450 - [3]
- Bugo - [4]
- HARRIS Machine Torch New Tips Cutting Track Burner Weld $279.99
- Airco 2621 Machine torch Used Cutting Torch & Rack $650
- Thermal Dynamics 1-1320-1 Cutmaster 101 Plasma Cutter $2,099.00
More Searching
- 3-hose torch:
- 2-hose torch:
- Victor 2-hose - [5]
- Victor short barrel $200 used - [6]
Industry Standards
- standard 1-3/8" (35mm) diameter machine torch
Stepper motors
See Also Stepper Motor
From Xylotex.
Stepper motors:
Possible limit switch configuration:
Setting fractional steps on stepper motors:
- 1/4" shaft
- 425 in oz torque
- about 50 W power usage
The XS-3525/8S-4 microstepping stepper motor driver is the perfect choice for CNC retrofitting of desktop and small benchtop milling machines. Connect bipolar wired stepper motors, power, and parallel port signal source.
- Small Size 4.275 x 2.8? inches.
- Drives up to 35 Volts @ 2.5 A/phase
- 4 different microstepping step levels from Full-Step(FS) to 1/8 step
- Filtered & Buffered Step & Dir lines
- Built in DC-DC converter for +5V
- Break-out screw terminals for I/O
Microstepping Truth Table
axS1 | axS0 | Output |
0 | 0 | Full Step |
0 | 1 | Half Step |
1 | 0 | Quarter Step |
1 | 1 | Eighth Step |
1 means jumper NOT installed
The XS-3535/8S-4 Stepper Driver is a 4 axis pulse-width-modulated (PWM) current controlled bipolar micro-stepping controller.
Each axis drive has a +-2.5 Amp/phase @ 35 Volt maximum continuous Output Rating. The drive circuitry has thermal shutdown protection and crossover-current protection. Synchronous rectification circuitry eliminates the need for external clamp diodes in most applications.
Each axis accepts Step & Direction signals, along with 2 jumper inputs to define microsteps per full step.
The board is of 4-Later construction with Isolated Power and Logic supply planes. The drive circuitry has a heat sink attached to allow cooler operation.
Power Supply
24 VOLT 10AMP SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY from Circuit Specialist. Part Number: PS1-240W-24