List of Imortant Ones
- G29 - auto bed level
- G30 - probe at current location
- M851 Z-1 - z probe offset correction
- G92 Z1 - lower nozzle by 1 mm?
- G92 Z10 - make the printer think it's at Z10 regardless of actual position
- G28 X0 Y0 Z0 - zero the axes
- M205 Z.2 - define z jerk ?
- M119 - find if endstops triggered
- M114 - read coordinates
- M104 S190 - set extruder temp to 190C
- M206 X10.0 Y10.0 Z-0.4 - sets axis offsets; equivalent to G92? - [1]
- M501 - read EEPROM
- M500 - store to EEPROM